See the main protagonists being fed

See the main protagonists being fed
Cattolica Aquarium offers all visitors the chance to see one of the most spectacular moments of the day: feeding time for the sharks, penguins, otters and stingrays. Thanks to the presence of an expert and the aquarium staff, visitors will find out lots of curious facts and information about these splendid creatures.

These educational moments reflect the mission of Cattolica Aquarium, which is involved in the "Save an Endangered Species" project that aims to protect and preserve endangered animal species.

Wednesday / Friday and Sunday   3:15 pm

every day   10:30 am / 2:30 pm

every day   10:45 am / 12:45 / 4:00 pm

Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday  12:15

Welcome to the world of Costa Edutainment
  • © Acquario di Cattolica - P.iva 03362540100 - REA: GE-337946